Sparking Bright Futures

At the YMCA Community Hub, Newcomer Youth Employment Services, is designed to support young newcomers in their journey towards securing meaningful employment opportunities in their new communities. We provide a welcoming and inclusive space where newcomer youth can receive support and guidance as they pursue their career paths.

The Community Hub offers a range of services tailored to the unique needs of newcomer youth as they explore career options, navigate the labour market and seek advice on advancing their education and training.

  • Free

  • 1:30pm – 5:00pm

  • Saturdays

  • YMCA Community Hub, Fairview Mall

Ignite Your Future

Are you a newcomer youth looking to embark on your career journey in your new community? We invite you to join Newcomer Youth Employment Services at our YMCA Community Hub and take advantage of our comprehensive support and resources. Let us be your partner in your journey towards meaningful employment and a bright future.

Pour les services de santé et d’accueil des nouveaux arrivants francophones, cliquez ici >> Centre De Sante Communautaire Du Niagara. Pour les services d’emploi francophones, cliquez ici >> CERF Niagara. Pour une formation linguistique en français, cliquez ici >>  Achev.


For francophone health and newcomer services, click here >> Centre De Sante Communautaire Du Niagara.  For francophone Employment Service, click here >> CERF Niagara.  If you wish to access a French Language Assessment, click here >>  Achev.