Niagara Falls

For camp descriptions please refer to the Camp Brochure.

Niagara Falls YMCA

Fireman’s Park – Lower Site

E.E. Mitchelson Park

JUNIOR CAMPSAgesWeeksLocation(s)VenueWater ActivitesFee
Jr. Adventure5 to 61 to 10Fireman's Park - Lower SiteOutdoorWater games$165
Jr. Explorers5 to 62, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Niagara Falls YMCAOutdoorSplash pad$165
Jr. Mad Science5 to 61, 4, 6Niagara Falls YMCAIndoorSplash pad$215
Jr. Discovery^5 to 61 to 10E.E. Mitchelson Park / Niagara Falls YMCA (week 10)OutdoorSplash pad, Water games$38/day

SCHOOL AGE CAMPSAgesWeeksLocation(s)VenueWater ActivitiesFee
Adventure - Pathfinders7 to 91 to 10Fireman's Park - Lower SiteOutdoorSwimming$160
Sports7 to 121, 6, 7, 8, 9E.E. Mitchelson ParkOutdoorSwimming$165
Aquatics*7 to 122-3, 8-9Niagara Falls YMCAIndoorSwimming$350 (2 weeks)
Ninja7 to 123, 5E.E. Mitchelson ParkIndoorSwimming$190
Cheerleading7 to 122, 4E.E. Mitchelson ParkIndoorSwimming$190
Crayola7 to 122, 6, 8E.E. Mitchelson Park / Niagara Falls YMCA (week 6)IndoorSwimming$210
Mad Science7 to 123, 4, 6E.E. Mitchelson ParkIndoorSwimming$210
RoboPRO7 to 125, 9E.E. Mitchelson ParkIndoorSwimming$195
GameON Design7 to 127E.E. Mitchelson ParkIndoorSwimming$195
Discovery^7 to 121 to 10E.E. Mitchelson Park / Fireman's Park (week 10)OutdoorSwimming$37/day
You're the Chef9 to 131, 10Niagara Falls YMCAIndoorSwimming$180
Young Artists9 to 137Niagara Falls YMCAIndoorSwimming$210

YOUTH & TEEN CAMPSAgesWeeksLocation(s)VenueWater ActivitiesFee
Adventure - Challengers10 to 141 to 10Fireman's Park - Lower SiteOutdoorSwimming$160
Youth Fit10 to 154, 5Niagara Falls YMCAIndoorSwimming$190
Leaders in Training11 to 144, 5Fireman's Park - Lower SiteOutdoorSwimming$300 (2 weeks)

* minimum swim level required & 2-week camp

^ Camp is available 3 or 4 days per week