MOVE For Kids in 2025

We’re moving the dial on April 12th for kids across Niagara!

Your participation, passion, and generosity help raise funds to support children and their families by providing access to YMCA of Niagara services and programs that create opportunities for them to grow, lead, thrive, and belong.

We invite you to be a part of this vibrant day filled with community connection and to help us reach our goal of supporting kids in Niagara.

Be Part of the MOVE-ment

Movie Nights in the Gym

Admission is free with a non-perishable food donation to support Port Cares.

Join the City of Port Colborne and the Port Colborne YMCA for a fun-filled series of Movies in the Gym! From October to April, we’ll be hosting seven movie nights, perfect for the whole family. While these movies are great for all ages, we recommend parental guidance for our youngest viewers.

Doors open at 5:30 PM, movie starts at 5:45 PM.


Jumpstart Game Day: With Lacrossing Barriers

February 23

Join us at Niagara West for an exciting Game Day event in partnership with Lacrossing Barriers to celebrate Jumpstart’s 20th Anniversary.

  • Niagara West
  • 10:30AM – 1:00PM
  • Open to all families and kids

Learn the game in a fun and inclusive environment. We’ll have prizes, snacks and special guests. You can even jump into the fun, we’ll have extra sticks available!

This free event is open to all families and kids—come experience the energy of the game and celebrate Jumpstart’s 20 years of impact!

Jumpstart Game Day: Youth Action Celebration

February 23

Join us at Niagara Centre for an evening of fun and recreation as we celebrate Jumpstart’s 20th Anniversary and highlight Youth Action!

  • Niagara Centre
  • 4:00PM – 6:00PM
  • For youth ages 10 – 14

Enjoy games, movement, swimming, and sports in a welcoming space.

This free event is a great chance to get active, go for a swim, meet new friends, and celebrate 20 years of Jumpstart helping kids stay in the game!