We Will Come Out Of This Situation!
One thing I’ve learned in isolation:

“Now that we are practicing ‘Social Isolation’ it has made me much more aware of how much human interaction in a day we would experience under what used to be ‘Normal Circumstances’.”

Something I want to tell staff:

“I want to let our staff know that we will come out of this situation one day down the road and when we do we will need our two most important assets: our people, and our facilities.

Our staff need to be diligent in taking care of their health, and their family’s health and safety through these challenging times. We as an organization need to protect our facilities and equipment, and ensure our assets are clean, safe and ready to open. And when the day does come for our return to action, we can again seamlessly deliver YMCA programs and services.”

A perspective on what I have learned from the network:


An update on business:


Personal reflection:

“Life can change in an instant, which proves that as we live our lives we must always live for today but plan for tomorrow.”

Joe McLaughlin
Joe McLaughlin

Joe McLaughlin, Vice President – Asset Management